Weekend of 16-17 March
The weekend of 16-17 March was focused on Bridges. First, students listened to a song London bridge is falling down... They performed a brainwriting activity focused on bridges - names of famous bridges, materials bridges are made of, things/people using bridges... They received a 4-pages material about 4 different types of bridges. Students worked with dictionaries to find unknown or new words. In pairs, they picked up one type of bridge and prepared a presentation for the rest of the students. On Sunday, students presented the 4 types of bridges to each other. A jigsaw activity followed the presentations during which students in 2 groups saw 2 different films about bridges (National Geographic films) and filled in the first half of the worksheet. In pairs, they had to exchange information from the film so they were able to fill in the second part of the worksheet. Afternoon was spent by preparing travel guides. In pairs, students first had to prepare a structure of the travel. Then each pair prepared a power point presentation about countries of their choice. They practices their sales skills in front of the whole class.
Monika B.